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About us

The Centre of Natural Hazards and Disaster Science (CNDS) is an interdisciplinary research centre in Sweden that brings together early career scientists and leading researchers from engineering, social and earth sciences to work together on collaborative projects on natural hazards, socio-technological vulnerabilities, and societal security.

CNDS was formed in 2010 when the Swedish Government marked natural hazards and disaster science as a strategic research area and is today a virtual centre comprising of ten departments from three universities (Uppsala University, Swedish Defence University, and Karlstad University).

CNDS mission is to carry out work that promotes a deeper understanding on how human-nature systems and reciprocal feedback mechanisms between natural hazards and socio-technical vulnerability are coupled. Its other missions are to advance disaster risk reduction and contribute to enhancing society’s ability to prevent and cope with natural hazard risks in the national and international context.

CNDS Fellows at Karstad University in October 2023

About us

Read more about the centre's organization and background, our fellows and job opportunities.

Read more about CNDS from our partner organisations:

Logos of Uppsala University, Karlstad University and the Swedish Defence University


Visit us

Centre of Natural Hazards and Disaster Science
c/o Department of Earth Sciences
Uppsala University
Villavägen 16

CNDS is a collaboration between

Logos of Uppsala University, Karlstad University and the Swedish Defence University